CEV launches second School Project webinar series featuring four high-level speakers

CEV, Luxembourg. The CEV Technical and Development Department is delighted to launch a second series of webinars featuring four high-profile speakers to help inspire anyone working at the grassroots level in their efforts to grow the game. Make sure you register through this link https://schoolprojectwebinarseries2020.cev.eu/ to join friends, colleagues and members of the Volleyball family from across Europe for such an exciting educational programme! Before each webinar, the participants will receive a separate email with the Zoom invitation.

“Give them a Love of the Game”
The series, which follows on the tremendous success of the webinars hosted back in June, will get underway on August 13 with a highly anticipated session featuring John Kessel. Kessel, a true coaching legend from USA who has been associated with the sport since 1971 and worked for decades at USA Volleyball, will provide the attendees with many insights into how to inspire kids and grow their love of the game, making sure the children you coach are always eager and happy to learn new things! 

“Children Learn More Than We Think”
A week later, on August 20, Teemu Niemelä (FIN) will lead the second session, under the slogan “Children Learn More Than We Think”. Niemelä began his journey with Volleyball in 2004 as the assistant coach for Kempeleen Pyrintö, a team competing in Finland’s 1st division. From 2007 – 2018 he worked as the VIS Manager for the Finnish Volleyball Association in World League and World Championship qualification tournaments, while delivering coaching clinics and working with clubs developing projects as well. Starting August 10, 2020 Teemu will work at Lapland University as a lecturer in coaching and exercise testing studies. Niemelä will challenge the attendees with the question as to why children under 12 years of age should only learn basic volleyball skills. He will review some examples on how to provide more structured trainings for young children, how this works in Finland, and provide some practical tips too. 

“How to Inspire Kids to Play Volleyball”
To continue with such an exciting programme, on August 27 Dutchman Remko Kenter will deliver a lecture on “How to Inspire Kids to Play Volleyball”, presenting some parts of his Action Volley coaching style for U12 age groups. He will emphasise how Volleyball is fun and cool, implementing the “smash” and adding scoring to games involving kids. Kenter has been in the Volleyball community for 40 years, first as a player and now he has some 30 years of experience as a trainer. Currently he trains the U12 boys’ teams in the Netherlands, is the chairperson of the board of Sliedrecht Sport Kids Volley, and trains beach volleyball and smash volleyball as well. In the past, he trained in the 1st and 2nd division of the Dutch league and worked as a youth trainer at the Dutch Volleyball Federation. In January 2020, Remko launched his own training programme called Action Volley and many may remember him as one of the speakers at the historic CEV Coaches Convention held last year in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. 

“Inhale Strength, Exhale Stress”
Finally, to wrap up the series, on September 3 Dr Zoran Nikolovski (CRO) will deliver a session under the title “Inhale Strength, Exhale Stress”. The Secretary of the European Medical Commission (EMC), Nikolovski is a former Volleyball player and actual coach of underage girls in Kastela, Croatia, while working as an Assistant Professor at the Kinesiology Faculty of the Split University. During our daily activities, from time to time we can be “under stress” – but what does it mean to us and to the others? Dr Nikolovski will review stress management, and special techniques to use every day to reduce stress and even improve our overall health.

CEV – European Volleyball